Toshio Kuratomi (abadger)

Granite Bay, CA, United States




currently studying



    Contributed patches to fix supybot's ability to talk to the Fedora PackageDB

    This is a python library that provides both support for Fedora Services and client libraries for accessing those services. It contains identity providers for TurboGears1, DJango, and repoze.who driven web apps (Turbogears2, among them) to authenticate against the Fedora Account System. It also has CSRF protecting middleware and a collection of useful functions for dealing with unicode, urls, and other issues of programming in python for the web. The client side includes a basic http client that can talk to TurboGears applications, retrieving information from their json interfaces. On top of this are built more specific client libraries that talk to the Fedora Account System, Fedora Package Database, the Fedora wiki, and other Fedora web services.

    Luke Macken and I were the two originators of python-fedora. I've continued as the primary release manager and architect getting other people involved with the code. Luke and I both continue to work on the code but the contributors to this project have grown with people taking over specific areas of interest to them (DJango auth, specific clients, etc). My code concentration has been TurboGears1 and 2 support and functions for general python programming.

    Virt web is a simple, lightweight management UI for virtual hosts. It's meant to fill the niche where system administrators need to manage deploying new virtual hosts on a set of servers rather than managing a full-scale cloud deployment. It's written in TurboGears2, talks to the remote hosts using qmf, and uses libvirt in the backend to abstract differences between kvm, xen, and other virtualization technologies.

    • Coded in Python.

    I was in on the initial work on virt_web but mostly served as a troubleshooter. mmcgrath, the project's founder, would design the interface and do work on it. If he got stuck with a particular problem, I was the second set of eyes thatwould analyze and solve the problem while he worked on making another area of the project really shine.

    Web based account system for the Fedora Project. This is a TurboGears1 application that allows us to manage who has access to which resources in Fedora.

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    • Coded in Python.
    • Coded in Python.

    Designed the database schema. Wrote some of the initial code. Continue to be a piece of adding features and getting new people to add to it.

    • Coded in Autoconf.

    The Fedora Package Collection is a Linux Distribution that allows many contributors with different interests to collaborate on making a free software operating system.

    • Coded in Make.

    I've packaged and reviewed numerous packages in the distribution. I've served on the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee which arbitrates problems that arise within Fedora. Since its inception I have been on the Fedora Packaging Committee helping to write and approve Guidelines on how to package software within Fedora.

    The Package Database keeps information about the software packages in the Fedora Linux Distribution. It originally was a way for contributors to manage who was responsible for maintaining a package in fedora. These days, it also allows end users to browse the applications in Fedora, commenting and tagging them.

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    • Coded in Python.
    • Coded in Python.
    • Coded in Python.
    • Coded in Python.

    I'm the original author of the PackageDB and still the primary maintainer. I organize the people working on it and do the release management work. I have a hand in most of the architectural decisions although the growing community of contributors has been leading the way with new features recently. Coding-wise, I wrote all of the system for tracking package acls from the database layer on up to the javascript on the webUI and pushed bug fixes to numerous other areas of the code.

    A time tracking application for Gnome

    • Coded in Autoconf.

    I wrote patches in C to fix bugs and worked to update the autoconf scripts when new versions of libraries came out or other problems with the build scripts were discovered.

    Bazaar GTK is a front end for the bzr revision control system that targets the gtk toolkit.

    I've been involved with fixing bugs in bzr-gtk by patching issues that have surfaced as Fedora users use it. I've also been packaging this for the Fedora Project.

    Bazaar is a flexible, easy to use distributed version control system written in python.

    I generated the initial packages of this for Fedora but have since turned it over to a comaintainer. I continue to respond to bug reports that affect Fedora users, writing patches and contributing them back to Bazaar.