Mike Doherty (doherty)



Mike proclaimed a love of Ubuntu and Perl in his audition tape. Though laziness was not a requirement of the job, he seemed quite proud of this character flaw; we overlooked it. In addition to being uncomfortable with volume settings which are neither even, nor a multiple of five, the applicant seems inexplicably enamored of writing unit tests. Due to a particular ability to balance on one foot while debugging, he has been found most helpful in small open-source projects. In his many travels, Mike learned never to complain when sitting in small spaces with cramped legs.

web site



Perl, regular expressions, Java

will never understand

Video game obsessions

How to contact me

Talk to me in IRC (irc.freenode.net). I'm typically "^Mike" or "^Mike\b" or something. Or try email: doherty.6o1hhjvn@for...
