dsa (dsa)

Villa Licia,Panama, Panama



DSA {Pandora} 23 years Old, Panamenian Student. Computer Science, I like to make games :P I work with cube2, ogre, allegro on C, C++, python, ruby, and sometimes in java...

web site


will never understand

windows users XD

currently studying

Computer Science

is interested in helping


How to contact me


    Is a game in 2D like sonic, when you control de Koneko a maho neko girl. The game is using allegro.

    I love this projec this will be a gift to my gf. Is a surprise for her, My idea is to create a well develop plattform

    A FPS Game based in Saubraten using Cube2, SDL and C++. warIs about a Terrorist attack inside the University of Panama. The main character can handle many kind of weapons

    Is my Tesis for my College, so I am working very hard on it. I am still using Saubraten characters but I will change it later when I complete the character and maps concept.