Greg Taylor (gtaylor)

Seneca, SC


    A thin wrapper around FedEx's SOAP-based Web Services API. Allows users to manage shipments and validate addresses.

    • Coded in Python.

    Original author and current maintainer.

    A color math abstraction library. Makes operations such as colorspace conversions very easy. Also implements color difference formulas (Delta E). Used by Color Sentry.

    • Coded in Python.

    Original author, current maintainer.

    A text-based, real-time interpretation of the Battletech board game. Features player-controllable 10 meter tall walking death robots and lots of explosions.

    • Coded in C.

    Served as a developer on various games since 2001, became the project's administrator from 2003-2008, and passed the torch on in 2009.

    A Django and Twisted based MUD server. This started as an experimental project to see if using Django for a MUD was feasible, ended up attracting some attention.

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    • Coded in Python.

    Original author, current maintainer.

    Adopted Ubuntu after its first release, joining their Laptop Testing Team shortly thereafter. Worked with the development team to improve laptop compatibility.

    Served a few months on the Documentation team, writing content for what would become

    Bug tested alpha/beta releases, worked towards fixes for a few minor problems.