Joerg Hahn (hahnjoerg)

Duisburg Laar, Germany



I like to work through complicated things and offer an easy to use result. I like it best, when someone told me "you won't make it" before.

currently studying

Makefiles, trac, wiki, perl

can mentor in

bash, perl

is interested in helping


How to contact me

Drop me a line at hahnjoerg.YJoJ7V9E@f...


    Molli (my own little linux) is a German fork of LFS with additional packages and patches. c-lfs is BLFS in German.

    As well as presenting Molli/c-lfs at the ORR 2010 exhibition in Oberhausen/Germany, I am responsible for producing the liveCD to install Molli/c-lfs from source. I have to figure out, how to involve the user into the build process without demanding too much from him.

    Fli4l uses an old PC to change it into a one-(fd)disk-router

    I added a patch to use the sitecom ISDN card with the 2.4 kernel. I was involved only a short time.