Benjamin Humphrey (humphreybc)

Dunedin, New Zealand



My name is Benjamin Humphrey. I'm 20 years old, I study Computer Science at Otago University in Dunedin, New Zealand. My primary interests are Flying, Photography, Programming, Linux and Music. I listen to the Dave Matthews Band, I run Ubuntu on my laptop and my server, and I'm the founder and leader of the Ubuntu Manual Project. I've got my Private Pilots Licence, play the drums, trumpet and guitar and I'm also an amateur photographer.

web site


will never understand

metal music

currently studying

Computer Science

is interested in helping

Ubuntu Manual

How to contact me

Flick me an email at benjamin@ubuntu-manu...


    Quickshot is a python application designed to make it easy for all users to capture translated screenshots using an intuitive and semi-automated step-by-step process. Its principal use is with the Ubuntu Manual Project but it will also support configuration and customization for other projects in the near future.

    It is written in Python and uses Glade for the user interface.

    Team Lead, User Interface designer and usability tester.

    Our project is an open source volunteer effort to create and maintain quality documentation for Ubuntu and its derivatives.
    We were founded in 2009 by Benjamin Humphrey, who saw the need for targeted up-to-date and consistent documentation for the Ubuntu operating system.
    It didn’t take long until the project amassed hundreds of contributors, and what Benjamin originally envisioned became a reality as the Ubuntu Manual Project blossomed into an ambitious and successful project.
    Our mission is to provide a wide range of quality educational materials to lower the Linux barrier to entry for new users and in turn increase Ubuntu’s market share.

    Team Lead, author, designer, coordinator.