Ian Lawrence (ian_brasil)

Manaus, Brazil



I love innovation and all things mobile, especially the Internet and Linux. I was a founding member of the Ubuntu Brazil community and this led me to becoming an Ubuntu Mobile Developer and to writing a book 'Professional Ubuntu Mobile Development' (Wiley 2009) . This book covers both best practice mobile development and the business opportunities for Linux on mobile devices. From writing the book it was a natural progression to work on the Kubuntu Mobile community mobile distribution. I have for many years been involved with projects seeking the appropriation of technology and media production as a participative methodology for education, social engagement and innovation. Such projects have contributed to establishing nearly a dozen autonomous low tech labs in Brazil and to the Government funded network of 'Pontos de Cultura'.

web site


will never understand

the digital equivalent of beauty

can pitch in with


currently studying


can mentor in


is interested in helping

