Sumit Dhingra (linuxsda)


Nothing here yet.


    LEXICON is a native Linux dictionary made for providing meaning of a word anywhere, instantly. It fetches the meaning from database and pushes it through notification when user commands.

    Github link-

    Seeking contributions in these fields -

    1) Combined Database - A single database containing Meanings, Phonetics, Synonyms, Translation (Spanish, French, Italian, German).

    Wiktionary has good database, containing all that is required. But parsing their Dump to a structured sqlite3 is backbreaking.

    2) Autocorrect - Better, tested, algorithm required.
    Current auto-correct is based on little remodeling of a-grep(Wu-Manber algorithm). The Auto-Correct works but it's annoying since it always manage to find substitute for words not in dictionary, thus not allowing it to search online.

    3) Porting to different platforms - Currently, Lexicon only support Debian. Porting to popular platforms like Fedora, RedHat, Arch, Gentoo, Slackware is required.

    Read here for more information: