Raphael Kubo da Costa (rakuco)

Campinas, Brazil


web site


can pitch in with

c++, python, testing, bug triaging

can mentor in

KDE, Enlightenment, EFL

is interested in helping


How to contact me

You can reach me by email at rakuco.CECBG8Yt@forw...


    The KDE® Community is an international technology team dedicated to creating a free and user-friendly computing experience, offering an advanced graphical desktop, a wide variety of applications for communication, work, education and entertainment and a platform to easily build new applications upon.

    Maintainer of Ark, KDE's archive manager; bug triager; sporadic work on kdelibs (usually kio and kdecore); part of the KDE on FreeBSD team.

    FreeBSD® is an advanced operating system for modern server, desktop, and embedded computer platforms. FreeBSD's code base has undergone over thirty years of continuous development, improvement, and optimization. It is developed and maintained by a large team of individuals.

    Part of the KDE on FreeBSD team, making sure Qt and KDE software run smoothly on the FreeBSD platform.

    Maintainer of a few ports.

    Enlightenment is not just a window manager for Linux/X11 and others, but also a whole suite of libraries to help you create beautiful user interfaces with much less work than doing it the old fashioned way and fighting with traditional toolkits, not to mention a traditional window manager. It covers uses from small mobile devices like phones all the way to powerful multi-core desktops (which are the primary development environment).

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    My daily job involves contributing to the Enlightenment project, specifically its Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL).