Primarily ruby developer with experience in a few other things. I like nerd stuffs.
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How to contact me
Email me at trotter.MuTgD4h0@for... . Tweet me @cashion. Hit me on github
Coded in Ruby.
Coded in Autoconf.
Coded in C.
A Javascript BDD Framework with nested describes, a convenient assertion syntax, and an intuitive test browser. - this fork is an attempt to add stubbing and mocking in the rspec style
Run Rails specs in a way that can be read by Cruise Control
Rails plugin to allow access to belongs_to association attributes through methods on the base class.
A Ruby on Rails plugin to add an after_commit callback. This can be used to trigger things only after the entire transaction is complete.
A prototype-based javascript event bubbling and custom event library. Allows you to subscribe to elements before they exist in the DOM
Disconnects ActiveRecord from the database for testing purposes.