« Projects


  • Q: I'd like to participate. How do I begin?

    • 1

      You can take a look at the list of our current and planned projects and check if there is something that your are interested in http://neuro.debian.net/projects.html. Moreover, you can skim through the list of software at http://neuro.debian.net/pkgs.html -- maybe there is something that needs packaging or you are interested in co-maintaining an existing package. And of course some of these packages have open bugs that need attention. If you found something (or even if you didn't and still want to help) contact us at neurodebian-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org.

         — Michael Hanke (hanke) · 7 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Talk about diverse kinds of contributions. Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Examples:

        Here's how to download and patch our codes…

        Read about our death-defying mailing list and momentous IRC channel at http://lobstermag.net.

  • Q: Other than writing code, how can I contribute?

    • 1
      Find relevant software

      If you know about some software that we do not list yet, please let us know. We'll show you hw it can be registered in the corresponding Debian Blend so it will appear on the NeuroDebian website.

         — Michael Hanke (hanke) · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Spread the word

      Provide feedback: http://neuro.debian.net/testimonials.html , and advise others to use NeuroDebian: http://neuro.debian.net/spread.html

         — Yaroslav Halchenko (yarikoptic) · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Improve the website

      The website is generated from plain text files. You only need to be able to use a text editor to help improve them. If you have some content to add, some better icon, or any other improvement: tell us about it.

         — Michael Hanke (hanke) · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Make screencasts or HOWTOs

      We started doing some screencasts to show people, who are unfamiliar with a Linux desktop, how powerful this environment is. There is a HUGE demand for HOWTOs in the neuroscience domain too. If you enjoy creating these things, we'd love to talk to you.

         — Michael Hanke (hanke) · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Monitor bugs in Debian-derivatives

      If you are using one of the Debian derivatives (e.g. Ubuntu, Mint) you could monitor the respective bugtrackers for problems in neuroscience software packages on these platforms and let us know about them.

         — Michael Hanke (hanke) · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Participate in popularity contest

      Every Debian-based system comes with popularity-contest package. If you han't done so yet, please enable your participation via 'dpkg-reconfigure popularity-contest'.

         — Yaroslav Halchenko (yarikoptic) · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Tag packages

      If you only have minutes or seconds to offer, but you still want to make a valuable contribution, please go and tag packages. This will greatly improve the user experience of Debian and help people find the software they are looking for: http://debtags.alioth.debian.org/ssearch.html

      More information about debtags is available at http://debtags.alioth.debian.org/

         — Michael Hanke (hanke) · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Make screenshots

      When searching for software a screenshot often helps to figure out whether a particular software is a good candidate. However, many packages do not have screenshots yet. Please help out by going to http://screenshots.debian.net/ and upload screenshots of your favorite software.

         — Michael Hanke (hanke) · 7 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Discuss documentation, testing, webmastering, and/or publicity.

        Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Example:

        We need people to download version 0.4.5 and make sure the frobulator still frobulates correctly.

  • Q: What's a good bug for a newcomer to tackle?

    • 1
      Try packaging a simple neuroscience software for Debian

      While this may not be a trivial task, we would be happy to mentor you.

         — Michael Hanke (hanke) · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Become a co-maintainer of a package

      If you use one of our packages on a regular basis, you can make valuable contributions to its Debian packaging. You are probably aware of things that could be better and things that don't work at all. Tell us about them, or even try to fix them. Don't hesitate to ask us how you could achieve that without wasting too much time!

         — Michael Hanke (hanke) · 7 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Many projects have good small tasks that can teach newcomers how the project works. Now's your chance to share one of them!

        Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Example:

        Someone could improve the photo upload dialog box so that it lets you resize the photo before sending it to the web.

  • Q: What is a bug or issue with NeuroDebian that you've been putting off, neglecting, or just plain avoiding?

    • 1
      Write more tests

      Neuroscience software often comes without good test suites (sometimes even without any). If you are familiar with a particular software you can write tests for it ans submit them to us. Even simple tests will help to improve software quality.

         — Michael Hanke (hanke) · 7 years ago
    • [X]
      • Examples:

        I don't know how to get started with internationalizing my app.

        Bug 392 about printing was filed five years ago, and I don't even know if printing still works.

        I want help from a C coder writing a Maildir patch for Alpine.

      • Note:

        If this issue was formally filed on the web, be sure to include the URL.

What else do you want to talk about?

About NeuroDebian


Ultimate OS for Neurosciencs

from the profile of Yaroslav Halchenko (yarikoptic)

People who want to help (55)

The following people are interested in helping. Send them an email! (tips)

You can use this page to track who has been contacted if you log in. There will be a checkbox next to their name. When you check it, the page will publish today's date and your username.

Volunteer opportunities, etc.

No volunteer opportunities in NeuroDebian indexed here yet. Add a bug tracker.

There are 2 people who can mentor in NeuroDebian.

You can embed the "I want to help" button on your website. (More about this.)