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About NiBabel
This package provides read and write access to some common medical and neuroimaging file formats, including: ANALYZE (plain, SPM99, SPM2), GIFTI, NIfTI1, MINC, as well as PAR/REC. NiBabel is the successor of PyNIfTI.
The various image format classes give full or selective access to header (meta) information and access to the image data is made available via NumPy arrays.
from the profile of Michael Hanke (hanke)
People who want to help (none listed yet)
Registered contributors (2)
- Michael Hanke hanke Halle Saale projects: matlab-support, pynifti, Debian GNU/Linux, NeuroDebian, PyMVPA, NiBabel, NiPyPE
- Yaroslav Halchenko yarikoptic Hanover, NH, United States projects: Ubuntu, Git Buildpackage, pydbgr, brian, fsl, qlandkartegt, pynifti, odin, mrtrix, mricron and 75 more lipsia, itksnap, gifticlib, fslview, drmaa, dicomnifti, cython, caret, voxbo, vowpal-wabbit, symeig, remake, qwo, pytracer, python-mode, pyoptical, pyode, pyimport-relative, pyglet, pyevolve, pyepl, pyentropy, pydicom, psychopy, psignifit, openpyxl, openopt, openmeeg, NiPyPE, nifticlib, NiBabel, mlpy, meshlab, mdp, lush, libfann, jsmath-fonts-sprite, jsmath-fonts, jsmath, impressive, impose+, imagezoom, guppy, gkrelltop, gcalcli, freeipmi, foxyproxy, fail2ban, edac-utils, dares, ants, Debian GNU/Linux, garmindev, nrn, History4Instantbird, reportbug, libfreenect, scikit-learn, joblib, nipy-suite, nitime, nipy, gitwash, vowpal_wabbit, NiPy-OLD, dipy, scipy3, dmcluster, svgtune, apcupsd-multi, pythm, git-bzr, NeuroDebian, PyMVPA, Debian
Volunteer opportunities, etc.
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There are 327 people who can mentor in Python, NiBabel's primary language.
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