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Q: What is a bug or issue with Open Evolution that you've been putting off, neglecting, or just plain avoiding?
About Open Evolution
oday i got a crazy idea for a software/game/simulator project! :D
What if you created a game, where you were able to control:
- Weather/climate + conditions
- DNA and cell structure in an organism you create
- Time!
You're the creator, you make the decisions
I think the world would benefint a lot from this, because it would be a very good learning experience,
that would teach people about who we are, and how nature works.
Besides that, it would be an amazing research project, that would organize passionated biologist,
and give them a good excuse to discover, what everything that makes up all we know, all have in common.
At the same time, not only biologists and nerdy scientists would benefit from the knowledge,
but also the common and normal people, and it would create a platform that was fun and educating.
What if you created a game, where you were able to control:
- Weather/climate + conditions
- DNA and cell structure in an organism you create
- Time!
You're the creator, you make the decisions
that would teach people about who we are, and how nature works.
Besides that, it would be an amazing research project, that would organize passionated biologist,
and give them a good excuse to discover, what everything that makes up all we know, all have in common.
At the same time, not only biologists and nerdy scientists would benefit from the knowledge,
but also the common and normal people, and it would create a platform that was fun and educating.
from the profile of Jonathan færgemand (spand199999)
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Registered contributors (1)
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