Q: I'd like to participate. How do I begin?
Q: Other than writing code, how can I contribute?
Q: What's a good bug for a newcomer to tackle?
Q: What is a bug or issue with Quoddy that you've been putting off, neglecting, or just plain avoiding?
About Quoddy
Quoddy is basically a sort of "mini Facebook" like social-networking interface. It builds on the APIs for
social-graph management, activity-stream, activity profiling, tagging, etc. Provides the front-end
for managing connections and for letting users provide information about themselves, their interests,
etc. But unlike Facebook, no silly Pirates vs. Ninjas or Farmville stuff.
How does it work?
Quoddy stores information about users, relationships between those users (eg, "friend", "follower," etc), groups, relationships between users and "things" that are of interest to the user, and provides for management of those relationships, as well as using those relationships to show a user updates regarding activity within their network (of friends, followers and other "things).
social-graph management, activity-stream, activity profiling, tagging, etc. Provides the front-end
for managing connections and for letting users provide information about themselves, their interests,
etc. But unlike Facebook, no silly Pirates vs. Ninjas or Farmville stuff.
from the profile of Phillip Rhodes (mindcrime)
People who want to help (none listed yet)
Registered contributors (1)
Volunteer opportunities, etc.
No volunteer opportunities in Quoddy indexed here yet. Add a bug tracker.
No one on OpenHatch has signed up as a mentor for Quoddy. Can you? Add the tag.
You can embed the "I want to help" button on your website. (More about this.)