« Projects


  • Q: I'd like to participate. How do I begin?

    • 0

      If you're interested in working on the Geeklog code, there's an introductory article on our wiki: http://wiki.geeklog.net/index.php/Getting_Started

      For non-programming tasks that we would welcome help with, please see the "Other than writing code, how can I contribute?" list below.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Talk about diverse kinds of contributions. Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Examples:

        Here's how to download and patch our codes…

        Read about our death-defying mailing list and momentous IRC channel at http://lobstermag.net.

  • Q: Other than writing code, how can I contribute?

    • 1
      Moving the Geeklog FAQ to the wiki

      The Geeklog FAQ, http://www.geeklog.net/faqman/, is hard to maintain in its current state (due to technical issues with the FAQ plugin and the fact that contributions can't be included easily). So the idea is to move all the current FAQ topics to the Geeklog Wiki, http://wiki.geeklog.net/

      Hints: One wiki page per FAQ article. Add a FAQ category. Make sure the formatting, e.g. of sample code, is carried over.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
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      Design a Stylesheet for Printable Views

      Geeklog provides simplified "printable" views for articles and static pages. These use a stripped-down print.css stylesheet that needs some work to make the printout look nicer, e.g. fonts, spacing, margins.

      Also: Is there a good way to make links appear in the printout (e.g. for a link saying "click here", make the URL it links to show up in the printout)? Maybe have a look at the print stylesheet from Wikipedia for some inspiration.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
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      Design a new Homepage for our Project Page

      project.geeklog.net is the server that hosts our development resources: bugtracker, Mercurial repository, and a few other tools. The homepage (just one HTML page with links to the various tools) is pretty sparse right now. It could use a few more texts explaining what you can find there and a nicer design.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Review installation instructions for clarity

      Try to install Geeklog following the installation instructions: http://www.geeklog.net/docs/english/install.html

      Make notes of the problems you have understanding these instructions. Suggest a list of improvements.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
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      Wiki editor wanted

      Documentation is always an issue in an open source project. We are looking for someone who would be interested in helping with bringing some structure into the chaos that is the Geeklog wiki, http://wiki.geeklog.net/ There's a lot of content in there, but it's sometimes hard to find. Also, because the good content is hard to find, it's not entirely clear what is missing. Please contact us if this is something you are interested in.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
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      Review installation instructions for errors and troubleshooting advice

      Try to install Geeklog following the installation instructions: http://www.geeklog.net/docs/english/install.thml

      Make notes of the problems you run into following these instructions. Check that the troubleshooting section covers these problems. If not, suggest additions.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
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      Create an "Invitation to contribute" page

      When you click to download OpenOffice.org, you are taken to a page that explains how you can contribute to OOo:


      We would like to see someone design a similar page for Geeklog, i.e. provide reasons and links to opportunities to help (especially non-coding) and wrap that in a friendly design.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
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      Help reviewing patches

      We have quite a few patches for issues (bugs and feature requests) in our bugtracker, http://project.geeklog.net/tracking/

      You could help us by reviewing such a patch, i.e. check that it can be applied to the current Geeklog version; fix it if it can't be applied as-is; check that it does resolve the issue; leave feedback and, if necessary, an updated patch on the issue in the bugtracker.

      No coding required - it would already help us to know that the patch can be applied and whether or not it solves the issue.

      The corresponding bugtracker entries are in the category "Patches" (please ignore issues that have status "resolved"):


      If it turns out that the patch doesn't solve the issue then we wouldn't stop you from providing a correct fix, of course ;-)

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
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      Rewrite / redesign the Geeklog Help Files

      Geeklog ships with 10 very simple help files in the directory public_html/help. Effectively, these files only list the required fields for certain forms (story submission, search, and so on).

      To do: Check that the list of required fields is still correct and rewrite the help pages to be more friendly and informative. Design suggestions are also welcome.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
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      Rewrite Configuration help texts

      The file docs/english/config.html describes all the Configuration options. As of Geeklog 1.8.0, these texts are also displayed as tooltips on the Configuration Admin panel.

      The problem here is that the descriptions mostly date back from the days when Geeklog was configured through a text file (config.php). Therefore, the description often refers to the $_CONF array which, while still used internally, is now mostly hidden from the user. As an example, many options use numeric values internally ("1" means this, "2" means that, etc.), but are now presented as dropdown menus to the user, so that the numeric values don't really mean anything anymore to the average user.

      So we are looking for someone to review the descriptions and rewrite them to better match the Configuration user interface.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
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      ZB Block plugin

      Spambots, hackers, script kiddies, etc. are a huge problem for any website. Geeklog already ships with the Spam-X spam filter plugin and there's a port of Bad Behavior (originally developed for Wordpress), but it's alway good to have more alternatives.

      http://www.spambotsecurity.com/zbblock.php looks like a promising project. We would like to see this rolled into a plugin for Geeklog.

      Strictly speaking, this *is* a coding task, but it mostly involves putting existing pieces together ...

         — dhaun · 6 years ago
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      Revamp "sucessful install" experience

      When you install Geeklog for the first time, you end up on a pretty sparse page that tells you the account name and password that you can use to log in and gives some security advice.

      1) This page could be a bit more enthusiastic and friendly.
      2) Why is there even a separate page? A fresh install also has a "welcome" story on the homepage. This would also give a better impression of what the site looks like (instead of dumping the new site owner on a page that s/he'll never come back to).
      3) The success page is part of the install script. Which means that it will be removed when the user deletes the install script, as per the security advice. This can be good or bad: Good since it would be possible to make a more "fancy" page without all this extra code lying around later. Bad since the user will never their way back again to this site, e.g. to look something up.
      4) We still need a success message after a site upgrade. This one could be shorter and terser, though, since we can assume that the user is familiar with Geeklog at that point.

      Suggested action: Do a fresh install of Geeklog. Try to imagine you're a new user and end up on the success page. What would you think? What would you expect? What's missing? What could be better / nicer?

         — dhaun · 6 years ago
    • -1
      Compile Geeklog with hiphop

      This is more of a research task: Hiphop is a PHP-to-C++ compiler, developed by Facebook. Facebook is written in PHP but the actual Facebook site runs the C++ code produced by hiphop. There is probably only one Geeklog site that would benefit from this translation (Groklaw), but we'd like to know if you can actually compile Geeklog with hiphop and which, if any, problems exist with it.

      So the idea is to grab the current Geeklog release, try to compile it with hiphop, and use the result to run a website.

      Please make notes of any issues you run into and document them on the Geeklog wiki, so that we can address them and reproduce the experiment.

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Discuss documentation, testing, webmastering, and/or publicity.

        Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Example:

        We need people to download version 0.4.5 and make sure the frobulator still frobulates correctly.

  • Q: What's a good bug for a newcomer to tackle?

    • 1
      Try a "beginner" task

      We've labelled those tasks of which we think that they are relatively easy to tackle with a "beginner" label in our bugtracker. Follow this link to see them all: http://project.geeklog.net/tracking/search.php?hide_status_id=90&tag_string=beginner

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Many projects have good small tasks that can teach newcomers how the project works. Now's your chance to share one of them!

        Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Example:

        Someone could improve the photo upload dialog box so that it lets you resize the photo before sending it to the web.

  • Q: What is a bug or issue with geeklog that you've been putting off, neglecting, or just plain avoiding?

    • 0
      Routing email notifications to groups of users

      This is a perfectly valid request but somehow nobody wants to tackle it ...

      Currently, Geeklog can send certain notification emails (e.g. new user registered, new story was submitted, etc.) to the site email address, as specified in the Configuration. However, it would make more sense to be able to send these notification emails to groups of users, e.g. new registration emails to user admins, story submission to story admins, etc.

      There are now 3 related issues in our bugtracker which all address different aspects of the same basic issue:


      It's pretty clear how to implement this feature. It does however require some changes in the Configuration. Maybe that's why nobody wants to have a go at it ...

         — dhaun · 7 years ago
    • [X]
      • Examples:

        I don't know how to get started with internationalizing my app.

        Bug 392 about printing was filed five years ago, and I don't even know if printing still works.

        I want help from a C coder writing a Maildir patch for Alpine.

      • Note:

        If this issue was formally filed on the web, be sure to include the URL.

What else do you want to talk about?

About geeklog


Geeklog is a content management system (CMS) with support for comments, trackbacks, multiple syndication formats, spam protection, and all the other vital features of such a system.

from the profile of Dan Stoner (danstoner)

People who want to help (1)

The following people are interested in helping. Send them an email! (tips)

You can use this page to track who has been contacted if you log in. There will be a checkbox next to their name. When you check it, the page will publish today's date and your username.

Volunteer opportunities, etc.

No volunteer opportunities in geeklog indexed here yet. Add a bug tracker.

There is 1 person who can mentor in geeklog.

You can embed the "I want to help" button on your website. (More about this.)