Q: I'd like to participate. How do I begin?
Q: Other than writing code, how can I contribute?
Q: What's a good bug for a newcomer to tackle?
Q: What is a bug or issue with git-goggles that you've been putting off, neglecting, or just plain avoiding?
About git-goggles
A series of GIT utilities to streamline working with remote branches and reviewing code. git-goggles can be thought of as "git branch -a" on steroids. You can install with "[pip install | easy_install] git-goggles" and then run "git goggles".
from the profile of Chris Adams (acdha)
People who want to help (none listed yet)
Registered contributors (2)
Chris Adams acdha Washington, DC projects: django-jenkins, pyes, packaginator, django-haystack-bench, django-vacuum, ultrajson, stylebot, django-tablib, djangobench, django-speedcenter and 63 more codespeed, remoteobjects, trendoid, restful-bag-server, django-smart-selects, django-celery, htty, NativeImaging, PythonTidy, django-robots, django-sentry, django-tastypie, django-performance-tools, django-speedtracer, django-reversion, django-versions, django-alphabetfilter, pysolr, python-django.tmbundle, python-django-templates.tmbundle, Django Compressor, coverage.py, python-xlsx, jinja2, django-modeltranslation, arecibo, Ubuntu, lxml, Virtualenv, webtoolbox, webcompare, unix_tools, todo.tmbundle, python.tmbundle, mountstatus, mod_auth_cas, improbable.org, impphp, homebrew, git-goggles, geopy, django_compressor, django-sugar, FeinCMS, Coverage, django-social-bookmarking, pinax, redbot, django-test-utils, pymacadmin, django-quoteme, django-wysiwyg, django-uni-form, django-mingus, django-haystack, django-google-analytics, django-glossary, django-extensions, django-deployable-site, django-debug-toolbar, django-cms-2.0, django-basic-apps, Django
Shawn Rider shawnr Washington, DC, United States projects: terminal, git-goggles, django-config, python-wellrested, django-activitystreams
Volunteer opportunities, etc.
No volunteer opportunities in git-goggles indexed here yet. Add a bug tracker.
No one on OpenHatch has signed up as a mentor for git-goggles. Can you? Add the tag.
You can embed the "I want to help" button on your website. (More about this.)