« Projects


  • Q: I'd like to participate. How do I begin?

  • Q: Other than writing code, how can I contribute?

    • 1
      Artwork, Artwork, Artwork!

      Being an app for creating artists, Krita very strongly needs artists to doodle, play and create masterpieces! We need to be able to show off your work, hear about what works great for you and what could work even better. Please post any of these somewhere we can reference them later like the Gallery at http://forum.krita.org/krita or on the bug tracker at http://bugs.kde.org

         — Bugsbane · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Triage (in other words testing stuff)

      Often bugs get submitted that only show up on some types of system, or because something else entirely is wrong with a users system. Taking a look for open bugs at http://bugs.kde.org/ and seeing if you can get the same problem to happen is invaluable to keeping developers time focused on fixing the things that matter most.

         — Bugsbane · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Creating Artist Resources (brushes, presets etc)

      Krita allows sharing of quite a few resources that let artists help each other. Brushes, presets and recorded macros can all be recorded, used and shared by artists... but we could definitely use more! Contributing a great brush image, preset (ie playing around with the brush settings until you get something great and saving it) or recorded macro to show how to create an effect is very useful. Brushes in particular have an excellent chance of being included in Krita itself if they're useful and unique.

         — Bugsbane · 7 years ago
    • 0
      Explaining How to Use Krita

      To help more new artists get the most out of Krita, requires having artists understand how to use it! Just adding one paragraph to the Krita manual at http://userbase.kde.org/Krita or posting a useful quick tutorial on the forums at http://forum.kde.org/krita helps artists get started and helps save developers time so they can code more Krita hotness for you. Thanks!

         — Bugsbane · 7 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Discuss documentation, testing, webmastering, and/or publicity.

        Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Example:

        We need people to download version 0.4.5 and make sure the frobulator still frobulates correctly.

  • Q: What's a good bug for a newcomer to tackle?

    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Many projects have good small tasks that can teach newcomers how the project works. Now's your chance to share one of them!

        Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Example:

        Someone could improve the photo upload dialog box so that it lets you resize the photo before sending it to the web.

  • Q: What is a bug or issue with krita that you've been putting off, neglecting, or just plain avoiding?

    • [X]
      • Examples:

        I don't know how to get started with internationalizing my app.

        Bug 392 about printing was filed five years ago, and I don't even know if printing still works.

        I want help from a C coder writing a Maildir patch for Alpine.

      • Note:

        If this issue was formally filed on the web, be sure to include the URL.

What else do you want to talk about?

About krita


Krita is a KDE program for sketching and painting, offering an end–to–end solution for creating digital painting files from scratch by masters.

from the profile of Bugsbane

The code is mostly written in C++.

People who want to help (22)

Registered contributors (1)

Volunteer opportunities, etc.

Volunteer opportunities matching krita (11)

No one on OpenHatch has signed up as a mentor for krita. Can you? Add the tag.

There are 157 people who can mentor in C++, krita's primary language.

You can embed the "I want to help" button on your website. (More about this.)