Q: I'd like to participate. How do I begin?
Here is a detailed guide for submitting a patch or contributing to documentation: http://matplotlib.org/faq/howto_faq.html#contributing-howto
— Oxana (oxanas) · 4 years ago
Q: Other than writing code, how can I contribute?
Q: What's a good bug for a newcomer to tackle?
Q: What is a bug or issue with matplotlib that you've been putting off, neglecting, or just plain avoiding?
About matplotlib
2D Plotting for Python
from the profile of tacaswell
People who want to help (3)
Registered contributors (3)
Asheesh Laroia paulproteus San Francisco, CA projects: django-assets, Open Voting Consortium, Xbox-Linux, matplotlib, Ubuntu, playerpiano, miredo, Debian GNU/Linux, sandstorm.io, Django and 17 more debexpo, Miro Community, workshop_mysite, pomodoro-applet, python-keyring-lib, fix-crash-in-kwallet-handling-code, sleekmigrate, Buildout, bayberry, staticgenerator, alpine, OpenHatch, Creative Commons search engine, WpLicense, python-github2, Lyceum, babel
Andrew Straw astraw projects: Debian Python Module Packaging, Debian GNU/Linux, mtrax, Ubuntu, libagg, Inkscape, debhelper, Gentoo Linux, motmot, Vision Egg and 1 more matplotlib
tacaswell projects: matplotlib
Volunteer opportunities, etc.
Volunteer opportunities matching matplotlib (107)
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