« Projects


  • Q: I'd like to participate. How do I begin?

    • 1

      If you're a techie you can start by building and testing MyPaint, and feeding back bug reports. The instructions are in the README files on Github, find them at https://github.com/mypaint/mypaint

      You can also help document the project, create artwork and icons for use within the program, translate the program's text into your language, reproduce and triage bugs people have reported, or just help build the community by talking about MyPaint and creating wonderful art with it!

      Most project-related conversations now happen on Github and Twitter (@MyPaintApp), but there are other spaces we watch too:

      Mailing list: https://mail.gna.org/listinfo/mypaint-discuss
      IRC: #mypaint on freenode
      Forums: http://forum.intilinux.com/

         — Andrew Chadwick (achadwick) · 2 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Talk about diverse kinds of contributions. Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Examples:

        Here's how to download and patch our codes…

        Read about our death-defying mailing list and momentous IRC channel at http://lobstermag.net.

  • Q: Other than writing code, how can I contribute?

    • 2
      Translate MyPaint into your language

      MyPaint' program text is translated into over 20 languages,and the number is increasing all the time. The makers of WebLate are very kindly hosting our project on their systems, which makes it really easy to get involved (their system has a lovely easy workflow too!)

      Get started: https://hosted.weblate.org/engage/mypaint/

      You can report problems with our source strings on the hosted Weblate, or through our Github issue tracker.

         — Andrew Chadwick (achadwick) · 2 years ago
    • 1
      Documentation for artists using MyPaint

      The upcoming 1.2.0 release really needs a good user manual. You can help write it at https://github.com/mypaint/mypaint/wiki/v1.2-User-Manual

      You'll need a decent knowledge of Github's markdown language, and a working copy of MyPaint. Beyond that, no programming knowledge or git-fu should be needed.

         — Andrew Chadwick (achadwick) · 2 years ago
    • 1
      Triage bugs on our issue tracker

      You can help by making sure that the issues people report in our bug tracker are as useful as they can possibly be.


      Triaging is an ongoing process which involves

      - trying to reproduce the problem yourself
      - asking reporters to give better information if necessary
      - assigning issues to labels and milestones
      - discovering workarounds
      - testing reported issues against the most recent development master
      - ensuring feature requests have something more than a "wouldn't it be nice if...?" in them - like mockups or sampled code!

      There's a wonderful article about the process of bug triage at http://words.steveklabnik.com/how-to-be-an-open-source-gardener

         — Andrew Chadwick (achadwick) · 2 years ago
    • 0
      Make promotional screenshots

      The 1.2.0 release will need good screenshots reflective of how you work with MyPaint. We're gathering a load of those together at https://github.com/mypaint/mypaint/issues/149

      The images will be used on the mypaint.org website, and elsewhere in contexts like program installers. The issue above has a link to our full licensing policy, which explains more.

         — Andrew Chadwick (achadwick) · 2 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Discuss documentation, testing, webmastering, and/or publicity.

        Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Example:

        We need people to download version 0.4.5 and make sure the frobulator still frobulates correctly.

  • Q: What's a good bug for a newcomer to tackle?

    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Many projects have good small tasks that can teach newcomers how the project works. Now's your chance to share one of them!

        Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Example:

        Someone could improve the photo upload dialog box so that it lets you resize the photo before sending it to the web.

  • Q: What is a bug or issue with MyPaint that you've been putting off, neglecting, or just plain avoiding?

    • 0
      Windows packaging & support

      None of the core developers actually use Windows as their main development environment, so this has historically been very lacking. Unofficial builds exist, but we need more.

      The situation is improving. I've been putting together instructions for getting MyPaint built and tested on the native Win32 platform using MSYS2, and testing that new features work on that platform at least.

      If you can help out by evolving this documentation, that would be amazing! Better still would be scripting something that makes a setup.exe-style installer with all the needed MSYS2 components built in so that users don't have to install all of MSYS2! A "portable" mypaint that you can stick on a flash drive would be brilliant for art students too ☺

         — Andrew Chadwick (achadwick) · 2 years ago
    • [X]
      • Examples:

        I don't know how to get started with internationalizing my app.

        Bug 392 about printing was filed five years ago, and I don't even know if printing still works.

        I want help from a C coder writing a Maildir patch for Alpine.

      • Note:

        If this issue was formally filed on the web, be sure to include the URL.

What else do you want to talk about?

About MyPaint


MyPaint is a simple drawing and painting program that works well with Wacom-style graphics tablets. Its primary features are its highly configurable brush engine, speed, and a fullscreen mode which allows budding artists to fully immerse themselves in their work.

Github: https://github.com/mypaint/mypaint/

Twitter: @MyPaintApp

from the profile of Andrew Chadwick (achadwick)

The code is mostly written in Python.

People who want to help (2)

The following people are interested in helping. Send them an email! (tips)

You can use this page to track who has been contacted if you log in. There will be a checkbox next to their name. When you check it, the page will publish today's date and your username.

Volunteer opportunities, etc.

Volunteer opportunities matching MyPaint (46)

There is 1 person who can mentor in MyPaint.

There are 327 people who can mentor in Python, MyPaint's primary language.

You can embed the "I want to help" button on your website. (More about this.)