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  • Q: I'd like to participate. How do I begin?

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      Welcome to OpenEMR. Please note that you do not need to be a developer to contribute to the project. Potential activities to help out the project include development, testing, translating, documentation, support and many more. We encourage all skill levels to participate and we are dedicated to maintaining a spirit of openness, kindness and cooperation. To get started, feel free to introduce yourself at the forums (https://community.open-emr.org/) or email the administrators, Rod Roark (rod at sunsetsystems dot com) and Brady Miller (brady.g.miller@gmail.com).

      If you are interesting in developing for OpenEMR, then recommend reading the following wiki page: http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/New_Developer_Information

      If you are interested in translating for OpenEMR, then recommend reading the following wiki page: http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/OpenEMR_Internationalization_Translator_Guide

      If you are interested in providing support for OpenEMR, then simply start participating in the OpenEMR Forums at: https://community.open-emr.org/

      A large amount of documentation can be found on the OpenEMR wiki at: http://www.open-emr.org/wiki

      And the main OpenEMR website can be found at: http://www.open-emr.org/

         — Brady Miller (bradymiller) · 3 months ago
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      We would love to have your help. The best thing to do is download the developers virtual appliance or one of the developer installations from the website and use that to learn the system. That version is the very most current stuff, updated daily, so it's bleeding edge.

      You will need a sourceforge.net login so you can post to the forum. Let me know your ID and I can add you to the project when you feel ready to tackle it. At first you are going to want to post your questions on the HELP forum until you figure out what is a bug and what is a feature :-)
      The forums are on sourceforge.net/projects/openemr/
      The main project page is: www.oemr.org
      and the most information can be found at: wiki.oemr.org

      We use git so when you start coding you will need to install git on your development environment (unless you use the appliance which already has it and you will need a github.com account to post your code for review.

      See the wiki entries at http://wiki.oemr.org/wiki/Main_Page#Developer_Manuals and our Git kick starter: http://wiki.oemr.org/wiki/Git_for_dummies

         — Tony McCormick (misquared) · 6 years ago
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      We have a currently under used IRC channel on freenode.net #openemr

         — Tony McCormick (misquared) · 6 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Talk about diverse kinds of contributions. Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Examples:

        Here's how to download and patch our codes…

        Read about our death-defying mailing list and momentous IRC channel at http://lobstermag.net.

  • Q: Other than writing code, how can I contribute?

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      Language Translation

      You have the ability to translate OpenEMR into any language, and a list of languages currently being translated can be found on the following page: http://github.com/openemr/translations_development_openemr/raw/master/stats.txt

      If you are interested in translating for OpenEMR, then recommend reading the following wiki page: http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/OpenEMR_Internationalization_Translator_Guide

         — Brady Miller (bradymiller) · 5 years ago
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      Our user documentation is being migrated to our wiki and we would love to have some help with that. Both the migration and writing new FAQ and user guides for specific topics. Training videos would be welcome as well.

         — Tony McCormick (misquared) · 6 years ago
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      Q/A Testing and Bug report cleanup

      Testing is always good. Testing new functionality and reporting bugs as well as looking at old bugs and see if they are still a problem

         — Tony McCormick (misquared) · 6 years ago
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      Language Translation

      If you want to help translate (a new or current language), you will need editing privileges to our Google Docs translation spreadsheet. Please contact Brady Miller ( brady at sparmy dot com )so he can invite you to the Google doc spreadsheet(we also will give you access to the translator roster spreadsheet to allow collaboration with other translators).

      See: http://wiki.oemr.org/wiki/OpenEMR_Internationalization_Development

         — Tony McCormick (misquared) · 6 years ago
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      Report printing shows patient name only on first page.

      SF bug id: 3311709
      A feature of OpenEMR appears to be that the patient name is printed on page one of printed output. I have to enter it by hand on subsequent pages, along with birth dates.

         — Tony McCormick (misquared) · 6 years ago
    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Discuss documentation, testing, webmastering, and/or publicity.

        Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Example:

        We need people to download version 0.4.5 and make sure the frobulator still frobulates correctly.

  • Q: What's a good bug for a newcomer to tackle?

    • [X]
      • Tip:

        Many projects have good small tasks that can teach newcomers how the project works. Now's your chance to share one of them!

        Include URLs if relevant (we'll automatically linkify them).

      • Example:

        Someone could improve the photo upload dialog box so that it lets you resize the photo before sending it to the web.

  • Q: What is a bug or issue with OpenEMR that you've been putting off, neglecting, or just plain avoiding?

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      Button to "close" an active patient record

      OpenEMR maintains a Active Patient and Active Encounter for quick access back to those screens. However, there is no way to close that record except to select a new patient, which is not always what desired.

         — Tony McCormick (misquared) · 6 years ago
    • [X]
      • Examples:

        I don't know how to get started with internationalizing my app.

        Bug 392 about printing was filed five years ago, and I don't even know if printing still works.

        I want help from a C coder writing a Maildir patch for Alpine.

      • Note:

        If this issue was formally filed on the web, be sure to include the URL.

What else do you want to talk about?

About OpenEMR


OpenEMR is a Free and Open Source electronic health records and medical practice management application. It is ONC modular "Meaningful Use" certified and it features fully integrated electronic health records, practice management, scheduling, electronic billing, internationalization, free support, a vibrant community, and a whole lot more. It can run on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and many other platforms. Project is based at sourceforge: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openemr/

from the profile of openemr

The code is mostly written in PHP.

People who want to help (5)

The following people are interested in helping. Send them an email! (tips)

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Volunteer opportunities, etc.

Volunteer opportunities matching OpenEMR (5)

There are 2 people who can mentor in OpenEMR.

There are 153 people who can mentor in PHP, OpenEMR's primary language.

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