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About pygobject
Python bindings for the GObject library
from the profile of Yaron Shahrabani (Yaron)
People who want to help (2)
Registered contributors (2)
Glyph Lefkowitz glyph Cambridge, MA, United States projects: Divmod Mantissa, Divmod Vertex, Divmod Hyperbola, Divmod Imaginary, Divmod Quotient, Divmod Sine, Divmod Nevow, Twisted, Ubuntu, Calendar and Contacts Server and 5 more Divmod Pyflakes, Debian GNU/Linux, pygobject, M.U.T.A.N.T., pydoctor
Tomeu Vizoso tomeu Prague, Czech Republic projects: PyGI, Hippo Canvas, Gnash, Hulahop, metacity, MindMap, Write, Terminal-activity, gobject-introspection, Mozilla Core and 13 more Fedora Packages, sugar, Read activity, Browse activity, GTK+, GObject Bindings for Python, Python Bindings for Gnome Desktop, Mutter, Telepathy Mission Control, software-store, Ubuntu, Evince, pygobject
Volunteer opportunities, etc.
Volunteer opportunities matching pygobject (7)
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