Open Source Hacker, Founder of Fogbeam Labs; initiator of Project ScrewPile
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Founder of the Heceta project.
Neddick is part of the ScrewPile suite of tools for building intelligent applications. Neddick provides tools for tagging, ranking, discussing and discovering various sources of knowledge: web-links, documents, people, etc.
Why "Neddick?"
We like lighthouses, so Neddick is named after the famous Cape Neddick "Nubble" Lighthouse.
Ok, but what does it do?
This is over-simplifying a little bit, but think of Neddick as sort of a combination of Reddit, Delicious and Planet. Mix in a powerful search engine, and a recommendations engine, and it lets you categorize, rate, tag, filter, discuss, and discover the knowledge in ways that most enterprise search applications can't. Point Neddick at the RSS feed coming from your Document Management System, feed it some web-links, post some questions, tag some article, vote some things up or down, and let Neddick help you discover the knowledge you need, even if you didn't know you were looking for it.
Founder of the Neddick project.
Quoddy is basically a sort of "mini Facebook" like social-networking interface. It builds on the APIs for
social-graph management, activity-stream, activity profiling, tagging, etc. Provides the front-end
for managing connections and for letting users provide information about themselves, their interests,
etc. But unlike Facebook, no silly Pirates vs. Ninjas or Farmville stuff.
How does it work?
Quoddy stores information about users, relationships between those users (eg, "friend", "follower," etc), groups, relationships between users and "things" that are of interest to the user, and provides for management of those relationships, as well as using those relationships to show a user updates regarding activity within their network (of friends, followers and other "things).
Founder of the Quoddy project.
A tool to generate dummy data (name, address, phone number, email, social graph connections, etc.) for populating systems for testing
A little project I created to generate dummy user data for testing social applications.